How interactions and stances can affect a system?

January 4, 2007 § 3 Comments

Diagram of Effects Interactions

Diagram of Effects Interactions

With low self esteem we behave in blaming, placating, super-reasonable or irrelevant ways. When using open communication we’re congruent with our selves, and we can level out (the amplitude)

Balancing act

May 23, 2006 § 2 Comments

Checking our balances we will find recognizable patterns/reflections of what unbalances us.

Checking our balances we will find recognizable patterns/reflections of what unbalances us.

I was asked again what it is that one can balance with Balancing Act – an experiential session that was designed for the Consultants Camp/eXtreme Programming/Agile conferences? My reply has been “Our brainhalves for wholebrainedness”. That’s rather short …

Apology Taxonomy

November 12, 2005 § Leave a comment

I encountered many species of apologies, and the universality of emotions of their effects, and, in the footsteps of a great man that gone before me, I am working on growing a possible taxonomy of excuses and apologies.

Fun and joy!

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